Biodiversity Research & Education Program Suriname (BioREPS)
How can we monitor and protect biological and cultural diversity in Suriname best? What can we learn from local knowledge and customs associated with biodiversity? How can we understand current species, acoustical, behavioural, and ecological diversity from an evolutionary perspective? Can we predict and mitigate future challenges related to climate change and exploitation of natural resources?
Duration: 2022 – 2032
Contact: Usha Satnarain
Funding: Slingelands Fund
Innovation Global Fund
Suriname Conservation Fund
Erasmus ICM 2024
Partners: Hans Slabbekoorn
BioREPS is a programme, a communication platform, and an umbrella construction, to initiate, stimulate and guide current and future projects in Suriname. Dedicated people from the Anton de Kom University in Paramaribo, Suriname and Leiden University, the Netherlands have taken the initiative and are the underlying driving force. The overall goal of BioREPS is to make a positive contribution to 1) the conservation of biological and cultural diversity of Suriname, 2) the education and career opportunities of students of natural and social sciences interested in the ecological and societal values of the natural environment in Suriname, and 3) the collaboration among Surinamese and Dutch scientists, academics and non-academics, of diverse backgrounds, for the benefit of scientific progress.
The research and education targets of BioREPS are inspired by current needs in fundamental and applied science in Suriname as expressed and supported by the advisory board, consisting predominantly of people in Suriname or people with extensive experience in Suriname. All investments and appointments in the context of BioREPS will serve the above-mentioned targets, and will be as such guided and evaluated by the advisory board throughout the envisioned program duration of at least ten years.
BioREPS online seminar series
BioREPS online seminar series is an open access international mini-symposium, organised twice a year by the core staff of the BioREPS programme of the Anton de Kom University of Suriname (AdeKUS) and the University of Leiden. The format is four speakers with a 20-25 min presentation and 5-10 min slot for questions. They address often interdisciplinary research relevant for knowledge about or conservation of biodiversity and cultural diversity in and around Suriname.
Speakers can come from Suriname, the Netherlands and anywhere else. The aim of the BioREPS online seminar series is to share information and stimulate collaboration among members of an international network of scientists worldwide with interest in research and protection of nature and traditional culture in Suriname. We also target spreading of information about recent studies beyond academic partners and to include Surinamese and other students in scientific discussions. All speakers are invited to make a statement about possible internships and other funded opportunities.
More information about this seminar series, such as upcoming seminars and recordings of previous seminars, can be found on the page BioREPS online seminar series